Gong cave
Gong Cave is situated in the hamlet Pule, Bomo Village, District Punung, Pacitan about 30 km from the town of Pacitan, can be achieved with either two-wheel motor vehicles and four wheels. Gong Cave Named because according to stories from local people, from inside this caveevery so often you hear a sound that resembles Gong(Gong is a musical instrument tradisiolal Indonesia). This cave is one of the flagship attractions Pacitan, even according to some foreign tourists and researchers mention that Gong Cave is a cave with stalactiteand stalagmite of the most beautiful in Southeast Asia. Cave This cave is horizontal with a length of about 256 meters, the cave there are stalactite, cone-shaped limestone rocks inthe cave ceiling and stalagmites, limestone rockthat stands at the base of hundreds of years old.
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