Labuhan Jukung Beach

If you're on vacation in Lampung Province will not complete it if no one visits this place "Beach Labuhan Jukung" a beach with a myriad of beauty, which certainly deserve to visit the beach a very strategic location of the curb of West Sumatra Cross or precisely located Kuri City of West Lampung District of Lampung Province, more or less coast is 250 km from the city of Bandar Lampung is a blend of exotic beaches and the Bukit Barisan National Park, with a strategic location so much orrang who visited this beach to simply unwind while looking at waves that chased each other with the location of the beach directly opposite the Indian Ocean pegunjung many who came to try the sensation of the waves which is high by surfing, having tired of surfing then it's time you admire the scenery as the sun sink   light that bounced into the sea as if to change the color of the water into golden ombakpun seemed to be music in the afternoon a liver remedy. Labuhan Jukung beach truly a beautiful beach and is not wrong if you are interested to visit it.

Indrayani Beach

Indrayani beach is a beach of white sand that conspires with some rocks that are very beautiful stunning beaches located in the district of Yogyakarta Tepus Gunungkidul beach is fairly clean enough because here there is a rule if there are visitors who membunang littering will be fined pleh coastal managers Indrayani this. When you visit this beach you do not have to worry about overheating when I want to enjoy the waves or confused to find a place to rest because at the shoreline Already, there are several gazebos for you to rest, if you want to play or   try jetsky beach managers also provide jetsky rental place and if you are already hungry here also provide stalls that provide a tantalizing taste of seafood other than that if you also want to enjoy the sunset you can also rent a place of lodging are available around the beach, complete Indrayani beach vacation you will not be disappointed here.

Samas Beach
Samas beach is one of the unique beaches danmenarik srigading contained in the Village, District Sanden or direction around Yogyakarta kelatan approximately 24 Km. deacon coast bias disebit unique because there are the deltas of rivers and freshwater lakes that form the lake is used by communities to maintain and develop the fisheries such as prawns and also in use for breeding turtles that will be released back into the sea, than that for you who have a hobby of fishing here provides fishing places that are not less interesting is the existence of cultural tourism as Carnival Ceremony Tumuruning Maheso Suro, Labuhan alms sea, and some cultural performances enjoyed on certain days with the admission that only RP.1100 per visitors of the beach is a tourist spot cheap but not cheap.

Sekotong Beach

For those of you who have a hobby of diving or diving you deserve to visit Sekotong to the beach. Sekotong beach is one of the tourist attraction famous for its underwater beauty of an unspoiled and beautiful sanagt awake to alamiannya, beach Sekotong terletakdi Sekotong District of West Lombok regency,approximately 60 km from downtown Mataram or can  the travel by minibus trips using about 1.5-2 hours. Or we can traveled through the Port of Nusa Penida, but with a longer time is about 3 hours, this beach has a wide stretch of white sand and clean which is still maintained its preservation with a region surrounded by hills which arround beaches, diving in this region we can climb small hills around the beach and when you have arrived on the hill requires you enjoy incredibly  the Bali Agung mountain that looks across the ocean and can also see the island who are on the island of Lombok such as Gili Genting.

Baron Beach

Baron beach is a beach in the area Wonosari, precisely located in the Village Kemadang Tanjungsari District, about 20 miles south of the city Wonosari or can be taken approximately 40 km from the city of Yogyakarta, Baron beach is also a beach resort is a favorite for tourists who come for This beach will be found other than that baron beach is also unique because it is formed starting from a small bay which is also named Baron bay yet again coupled with the meeting place between the fresh water from a river and sea water contained in the corner pantia baron, sandy beaches This white is very convenient to visit especially for you who like to enjoy sea food, because here various processed sea food is very tasty and is a mainstay in this area is that of course Kakap soup tasty and worth the try. Baron Beach also save cultural treasures at the time of entering the month suro   you can enjoy the ceremony of Alms Sea.

Kuwaru Beach

Kuwaru beach is black sand beach in the village  Kuwaru Bantul regency of Yogyakarta District Srandakan or about 29 km from the city center, when we went to the beach this Kuwaru we bias the south coast to enjoy the buzzing of the waves are very passionate, but a special on the beach This is the pine trees that lined the shore beautiful there are also stalls that provide seafood or other foods we therefore can meals under poho pine while watching the waves and the roar of the sea breeze. It's an atmosphere that is very seldom you find when visiting other beaches, the beach was very unique.

Siung Beach

Suing the beach is a beach that is formed from Luat basin is flanked by two hills with cliffs berlatarkan steep hills decorated with reliefs of Kars is very possible as the location for rock climbing. The beach itself is located in the village Siung purwodadi District Tepus or about approximately 35 km from the City Wonosari denagn bitch that has been paved with good then you will not find the time constraints of wished for a vacation in this beach, the beach is so comfortable to be visited with waves that are not so hight and berih white sand is perfect to relax and enjoy the atmosphere of peace, gusts of wind are increasingly making silent mind other than that at any given moment we are also biased view of art typical of the region commonly referred Tepus Doger art, truly beautiful beaches Siung.

Saroke Beaches of South Nias
The impression is very silent impression we will feel when arive feet in the sand beaches of South Nias Sorake that became a favorite tourist destination when visiting northern Sumatra in particular   Sorake coast of South Nias, with sprawling sand beaches accompanied by coconut tree on its side, the suras of the waves when it hit the karangpun seemed to be a music that contains a challenge to everyone who visited this beach especially for surfing sports fans because this beach is touted as   The second best spot after a Hawaiian beach in America, Beach located in the Village Saroke Botohilitano, Kevamatan in the Gulf, Southern District Niaas is often used as a venue for international-class surfing competitions with waves reaching a height of 15 m because it was immediately confronted with the Indian Indonesia, a very challenging course and ynag right time to visit this beach is the month of June-July because in this month's best waves in the circumstances.

Sumbawa Island
Sumbawa is an island east of Bali which is famous for its wild horses, but not only that because the particular Sumbawa and West Sumbawa Lakai areas have surf spots that have highly qualified surf world's most popular Scar Reff is located on the south coast Jelinggah and can be taken for approximately 20 minutes using a paddle boat, of course, very easy to accomplish. Scar Reef is a classic regional class surf spot, which of course is suitable for experienced surfers, with an average size of 12-18 feet high waves can even reach 24 feet that can be ridden as far as 150-200 meters sanagtlah suitable for left-hander . For those of you who like snorkeling this facility you can also enjoy in the place was so amazing scenery, more than that if you want to spend time around Scar Reff here have been very easy to find a villa or inn lodging.

When we heard about the tour on the island of Sumba is definitely the first thought is ikat or well-known horse, but make no mistake, Sumba also have a unique natural tourist attractions and exciting beach Ratenggaro one of them is located in the District of Kodi, a trip around one hour from the city Waikabubak you already get to this exotic place, a beach with shades of blue are very artistic, clean white sand and gentle is also surrounded by stone cliffs are low, the other is the uniqueness of this beach lies exactly at the mouth of the river the water is clear blue. But it's not just that we can enjoy while visiting this beach because you can also enjoy cultural tourism because there still are megalithic stone graves, and also can observe the traditional Sumba houses that have a high roof, complete Ratenggaro Coast charm.

Plekung beach can be called as a beach that should be attempted by those of you who have a hobby of surfing, because mempungai a very high tide. The beach is trletak in Banyuwangi, East Java, or included in National Parks Alas Purwo by foreign surfers often called the G-land that might mean is The Seven Gian Wonder Waves or Great land because it is one of the world's best waves.Waves Beach Plekung divided into three levels of the lowest named many tracks with 3-4 m high, the second is speedis with 5-6 m high, and the third or the most challenging is the Kong with a height of 6-8 m, with waves berfariasi it is possible for the professional or beginner surfers. For those of you who want to visit the beach plekung should choose a time in July-September, because in these months the surf conditions are good-good.

Jungwok beach is white sand beach is located approximately 25 km to the south of the city of Yogyakarta Wonosari Gunungkidul, the beach is located in District jungwok Subo Giri, Gunungkidul or on the east coast Wediombo. The beach is classified as a unique beach and the beach looks attractive because of large rock a few feet from the beach, rocks, named the stone cap is also biased to ride or if you have a hobby of rock fishing hat is also a fishing spot faforit because the place is beautiful. But the beach jungwok not only has a cap rock, but the beaches are also very beautiful and attractive with clean white sand other than that if we play on the beach we can see sharing of marine life such as starfish, ornamental fish are chasing. This beach is also very suitable for you who want to experience peace, because the place is not so exposed, accompanied by a row of pandanus plants will add ketenraman liver. Jungwok beach tourism potential that store like the beauty of heaven.


For the surfers beach this one is worth the try, because the waves are high as if challenging the surfers to ride. Wediombo beach located about 25 km to the south of the city Wonosari Gunungkidul Yogyakarta, located in the village beach Wediombo Jepitu, District Subo Giri, District of South Mountain. Wediombo words in Indonesian language means a broad sand, beaches with white sand is in addition to the surfers too indulgent pampering for those of you who like photography because the beach adjoining the hill overlooking the karts is exactly westward bias that means you can enjoy a beautiful sunset, but it you can also see various kinds of exquisite ornamental fish that adorn the edge of this beach. What a natural beauty that is so complete this beach, great waves for surfers, sunset and also ornamental fish to the photographers and also a clean white sand, makes you say disappointed Wediombo vacation to the beach.

Sundak Beach 
Is a white sandy beach in the area Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta precisely in the village district Sidoharjo Tepus. Is along the line of the south coast lined with beaches Kukup, Krakal, Drini, and Baron Beach.According to legend Sundak word comes from the ASU, which means dogs and hedgehogs are fighting each other
Grains of clean white sand stretching along the shore, waiting for the waves that caress as if running a race to caress exquisite white sand beaches, all of it, giving comfort the eye that sees. Blow   cool wind caressing the leaves waving at the end of the branches that grow around the coast of soothing peace seekers. Stretch of white sand beaches decorated with beautiful corals become playgrounds captivating marine life nan adorable. Coral Coast guard stood firm as Sundak the rigors of the surf. Limestone hills in the background adds to the coast the towering beauty of sea and land meeting the south coast of Java. Sundak is, one of the natural charm Gunungkidul still buried, with an abundance of charm are saying if we do not enjoy.

Siuang beach is one beach located in Mountain area south of Yogyakarta, precisely in the area of ​​the village Wates Purwodadi Tepus District, about 45 minutes south of the mountain. Siung beach is a beautiful beach with views of the hills on either side of the beach, we climb the hill is also biased and will get amazing scenery, different from the other beaches are just biased enjoyed from the beach. Besides cleaning the beach is also quite awake, and therefore often used as a beach suing the local tourist attraction, especially on Saturday and Sunday or national holidays. In addition you can also try rock climbing which height can reach 1000 m not very challenging. With the price of admission just Rp. 3000 beach is very worthy of being a tourist destination.


Punai Coast - Cape Kelumpang, East Pacific Islands. The beach area who has a very charming scenery on the island of Billiton. With a distance of about 60 km from downtown, the beach can pigeon is approximately 40 minutes, with good roads and almost no obstruction (blocked). 
The beach is really different from other nursing-coast, with the mainland that have rocks berfariasi size, we can see the sunset on the rocks. Plus a peaceful beach atmosphere, cool and of course very clean makes us linger at home enjoying the sunset. Photography is a hobby for damages if they do not visit these attractions.
 Perhaps the name was unfamiliar Senggigi beach in the ears of fans of Senggigi Beach Lombok tettapi tour includes one of the many tourist attractions visited by local and foreign tourists. Create a vacation with the family is suitable if you visit the beach this one. The location is exactly Senggigi beach in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. The beach is located 12 kilometers northwest of the city of Mataram is indeed a tourist attraction famous for its beautiful beaches and naturalness. Many people who judge the beauty of this Senggigi beach with beautiful beaches in Indonesia. Like the beach of Kuta, Legian and Sanur. Some people even judge if the beauty of the Senggigi beach is more than the beaches. because the condition is much more comfortable and quiet. Perhaps this is related to the arrival of foreign tourists has not been rampant in this beach.
Senggigi beach does offer a unique charm. Natural atmosphere that has not been overwhelmed by foreign tourists, as a marker of difference this coast with the beaches in Bali. It certainly gives the feel of its own for the visitors. Not surprisingly, this beach is now a new alternative destination to the tourists who missed the atmosphere of silence again menentramkan.Belum natural atmosphere of the beach at sunset, looking very exotic, even according to some people is almost perfect, certainly not inferior to the Kuta beach. for those who prefer the tranquility of this beach is worth a visit ahir inserted into the list last week. It's beautiful Senggigi Beach.

Kukup Beach 
Alluvium beach is white sandy beaches are beautiful and spacious, there are a variety of marine ornamental fish, especially those sold by traders at the edge of the Coastal alluvium or marine aquarium maintained in the building located on one area at the beach alluvium. Here also there is a small coral island on which there is a substation of view to enjoy the beauty of the sea.
Existing facilities including the pavilion for meetings, cottage, hotel jasmine, food stalls, and stalls for souvenirs, ornamental fish traders, and traders of fish ready to eat. Local people also perform the ceremony handouts at the same time the sea with fishermen Baron Beach. Coastalalluvium is Less More about 25 km to the south of the City Wonosari. If from Yogyakarta to the beach this alluvium takes about 1.5 hours using a four wheel vehicle Nor bermotor.Baik Two Wheels. to get to the beach alluvium Public transport is also there.

Krakal Beach
The beach is located at Kampung Krakal Ngestirejo Subdistrict Tanjung Sari Village Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta or 37 kilometers south of downtown Wonosari. The beach is wide and longest beaches among other beaches, and is located 2 km east Coast Drini. sparkling white sand that stretches along the coast is perfect for enjoying the sea air while doing sports activities, while enjoying the beauty of the sea and look for biota sea ​​with a small net that are sold there. At certain times there are treats tourist attraction in the open stage at the seaside. with adequate facilities mempuni. This beach paradise is called feasible.


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